Our Girls: The State of Women and Children in Spokane County
When it comes to supporting women and children in Spokane County, Women Helping Women believes in collective collaboration between funders, researchers, community organizations, scholars, and otherleaders including you—individual readers and strategic givers.
Our 2023 Report—"Our Girls"—provides an update to the 2019 publication, “Changing Our Forecast: State of Women and Children in Spokane County.”
This project was lovingly guided by a steering committee of local women—mothers, daughters, sisters, scientists, scholars, service providers, neighbors, friends, and advocates—who explored topics that shape wellness from birth to old age through a lens of equity and curiosity about the primary policy and system factors that shape well-being.
While the overarching purpose of the project remains the same—to foster collaboration and drive change and improvement in the areas of greatest importance to women and children—"Our Girls" report has an enhanced focus on equity and the lived experiences of the women and children in our community.
1. Download the full report. Each chapter in the report provides background drawn
from conversations with community members and other experts, indicators (data) to help measure differences or changes in certain topics, framing context, and the voices of “Our Girls” where relevant to the subject matter.
2. Download the Executive Summary- this summary provides a snapshot of some of the key issues included in the full Our Girls report; it is not a replacement for the full report.
3. View the interactive "Our Girls" dashboard housed on the Spokane Regional Health District page.

Who Are "Our Girls"?
We are grateful to the many women who contributed their stories and viewpoints to provide a more complete, humanized understanding of the figures, charts, and trends presented in this report. Many of these perspectives are woven into the report by featuring “Our Girls,” fictitious characters representing real women whose stories help us to understand the societal, community, family, and individual factors that create and hinder their opportunities.

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